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Anubhav Gupta


This is mainly because neutral de-inking has great potential to lower chemical usage and cost, to reduce water treatment cost, to improve product quality and paper machine run ability. Mills will beneRt from switching from alkaline to neutral Sotation de-inking. Since no caustic or silicate is added in the pulper, Rbres are not yellowed or darkened. As a result, bleaching chemicals such as peroxide may not be required. Enzymatic de-inking represents a new approach to modern paper-recycling mills. Extensive research has been conducted to use enzymes to improve de-inking efRciency. The enzymes used included primarily cellulases, hemicellulases, amylase, lipase or resinase. Commercial application of enzymes to the Sotation de-inking of waste papers showed enhanced ink removal efRciency. Neutral pH de-inking further beneRts the use of enzymes since it can improve ink detachment from the Rbres and repulsing efRciency. Since most enzymes work at acidic pH and lower temperature, enzyme manufacturers have to develop thermophiles and alkaline-stable enzymes to lower usage and enhance their effectiveness.


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