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Arman Rasool Faridi


Mobile devices have become an essential gadget to be owned by people of any age group. Services, features and utilities provided by a mobile device is unparalleled in any form of technology gadgets which create its huge popularity and ownership in the entire world. The ubiquity of mobile devices can be exploited to provide learning to not only the rich and well-off people but also to the people who happen to be in the most underprivileged, unfortunate, and socially backward sections of the society. In this study, we try to find out that how the current mobile technologies will help in boosting the Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), is there enough research works to properly support MALL and whether the technology used in MALL applications are simple enough to be even used by common nontechnical language learners and teachers. The study will also provide some future research works for the new readers.


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