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Pawan Kumar


Developing Library Networking is a majoroperational resource sharing library network in India connecting more than 1597libraries in 30 states and UT’s in India and seven other countries. DELENET wasconceived as a city based library network in Delhi in 1988 and was known asDelhi Library Network, networking the libraries of Delhi region. It gotregistered as a society in 1992. It was on 13th September 2000 thatthe name of DELENET got changed from Delhi Library Network to DevelopingLibrary Network. DELNET has emerged at the first operationalcooperative network incorporating all the disciplines science and technology,social sciences and humanities in its ambit. Each member library iscontributing the progress of DELNET. To promote sharing of resources among thelibraries in Delhi by collecting storing and disseminating information and byoffering computerized services to the users. However it was felt thatacquisition of hardware by the libraries should be directly related to thenumber of records created in machine readable form per year and not to the sizeof collection in the libraries.


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