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Dr. Navita Rani


All the three extracts of Calotropisprocera (roots and aerial parts) showed promising cytotoxic effect inconcentration dependent manner against a panel of thirteen human cancer celllines of various tissue origins. The chloroform fraction of 95% alcoholicextract and n-butanol fraction of 50% aqueous-alcoholic extract from roots of Calotropis procera. The chloroform fraction of 95% alcoholic extract andchloroform & n-butanol fractionsof 50% aqueous-alcoholic extract from aerial parts of Calotropis procera also exhibited promising cytotoxic effect inconcentration dependent manner against a panel of twelve human cancer celllines of various tissue origins. The active extracts and fractions of roots andaerial parts of Calotropis procerawere more or less equally active. The 50% aqueous-alcoholic and aqueous extracts of Cassia occidentalis (whole plant) exhibited more or less similarcytotoxicity in concentration dependent manner against panel of fourteen humancancer cell lines from various tissues. These extracts showed promisingcytotoxcity only against few cell lines.


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