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MD. Younus Mohiuudin

I. Sudheer

K. Priyanka

M. A. Haleem


The use of plastic and Glass is increasing day by day,although steps were taken to reduce its consumption. This creates substantialgarbage every day which is much unhealthy conditions for human and animals. Cement manufacturing industry is one of thecarbon dioxide emitting sources besides deforestation and burning of fossilfuels. The global warming is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, suchas CO2, to the atmosphere. Among the greenhouse gases, CO2 contributes about65% of global warming. The global cement industry contributes about 7% ofgreenhouse gas emission to the earth’s atmosphere. In order to addressenvironmental effects associated with cement manufacturing, there is a need todevelop alternative binders to make concrete. A Part from cement formanufacturing of concrete the coarse aggregate constitute 40 to 50 % by weightof the concrete. This lead to increase the cost of the concrete. To reduce thecost an alternate materials are used. A healthy and sustainable reuse ofplastics and glass offers a host of advantages. The suitability of recycledplastics as coarse aggregate and glass powder which is a unique inert material that could be recycled many timeswithout changing its chemical properties which are used as partialreplacement in concrete and its advantages are discussed here. The initialquestions arising of the bond strength and the heat of hydration regardingplastic aggregate were solved. Tests will be conducted to determine theproperties of plastic aggregate such as density, specific gravity and aggregatecrushing value.


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