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MD. Younus Mohiuudin

B. Sainath

G. Abhilash

M. A. Haleem


The main objective of this paper is to present theexperimental investigation on the properties of concrete obtained by replacingof coarse aggregate (fully) with waste aggregate from concrete waste and overburnt bricks. Modernization and urbanization is leads to dismantling of olderstructure and construction of newer structure which produces large quantity ofconstruction waste moreover during manufacturing of bricks in and around 20-30%of over burnt and breakage bricks are produced. Therefore the utilization ofwaste materials like aggregate and over burnt bricks from construction industryas construction materials in concrete production. An experimental investigationis carried out for different percentages of waste aggregate and over burntbrick in concrete i.e. RA60 + OB40, RA50 + OB50, RA45 + OB55, RA30 + OB60 andRA35 + OB65. Total five batches of concrete blocks are prepared for M20.Different tests slump cone, compaction factor and compressive strength carriedout on fresh concrete and hardened properties of concrete.


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