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Pinky Rajwani


Indian bankingindustry touches the lives of millions of people and it is growing at a fastpace. Indian banking industry is facing no. of challenges like changing needs,perception of customers, new regulations from time to time, increasedcompetition, and great advances in technology. The research papers focus on thenew technology in banking industry which has transformed whole banking scenarioand operations. various aspects like mobile banking, retail banking, onlinebanking, electronic services of bank and many more ecommerce services providedby banks in order in order to increase in profitability and consumersatisfaction and the role of government in development of banking sector. Thebeauty of these banking innovations is that puts both banker and customer in awin situation. The paper concludedthat banking sector has been changing rapidly. As, globalisation is increasingand lots of increasing and lots of foreign technology is being adopted byIndian banking industry, so our customers need better education and awarenessin order to avail these technologies and services. Government has given immensesupport to banking industry in various ways in order to strengthen this sector.


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