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Shaiqua Imam

Dr. Surendra Sarsiya


The modern biology has undergone a drastic change with the increasingly available genetic information of many organisms from prokaryotes to human beings. This was possible due to the invention of novel DNA sequencing technologies called high through-put sequencing techniques (HTS technologies), which are capable of sequencing the genetic information with increased speed, accuracy and efficiency at a lower cost. Development of these technologies has revolutionized the traditional Sanger sequencing method and has almost made the sequencing a bench-top instrument. HTS technologies are also used in solving the genome complications, for studying the diversity and genetic variations. These technologies are believed to be useful in novel medical diagnostics and treatment. This review will focus on using different HTS technologies for solving the complexities in the genomes of fossil, prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.This enormous growth of available DNA data has been a tremendous boon to large-scale genomics studies and has rapidly advanced fields such as environmental genomics, ancient DNA research, population genomics and disease association. On the other hand, however, researchers and sequence archives are now facing an enormous data deluge. Critically, the rate of sequencing data accumulation is now outstripping advances in hard drive capacity, network bandwidth and processing power.


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