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Rakesh Kumar


21st century in which we are living is technology era. A single aspect of life is not untouched from technological effect. In day-to-day life, we use a lot of technical equipments such as internet, mobile phones, scanners, photocopiers, multimedia software etc. Use of technology in education plays a prominent role to make teaching & learning more effective. After studied a lot of literature regarding use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education; visualized that proper implementation of ICTs offers basket of benefits to teachers, students and researchers in teaching & learning in various field viz. active participation, creative & critical thinking, independent learning, improve work performance, motivation to learn are some of them. Further ICTs helps in gaining better insight into a new problem and bring better clarity about dimensions of new topics. ICT is a fruitful tool to make education more interesting; provides a new way for teaching & learning; brings quality in knowledge; enhances student’s learning ability and prepare them for a globally competitive workforce. The present paper represents the role of ICT in teaching & learning and focuses various challenges in implementing ICT.


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