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Balwant Singh Rajodiya


Learning management (LM) is presently broadly perceived as a key factor in hierarchical achievement and all things considered is of importance to libraries. LM is applicable to and has significant importance with library and information professions. However the more extensive repercussions of the relationship between knowledge management and LIS up 'til now stay vague. This will more than likely be a dynamic and multi-faceted relationship. This paper presents key parts of this relationship and specifically potential cooperative energies and clashes as reflected in the literature.The investigation goes for investigating the pertinence of teach management (LM) to library and information science (LIS). Other than the audit of important literature, the investigation has directed an online study of LM education programs offered by various schools of the world. An interdisciplinary approach of LM education is examined to discover its connection with LIS.After an arbitrary inquiry of LM education programs, 30 graduate programs are explored to recognize driving scholarly and expert disciplines adding to the advancement of LM education and research, and furthermore to analyze the degree and extent of LM education with exceptional reference to LIS schools.The study finds that the most noteworthy number of LM graduate programs started from LIS/Information Management (IM) trailed by figuring/building and business and management. The joined course titles and extensive variety of LM aptitudes and capabilities obviously show its interdisciplinary nature. At long last, the paper investigates a few regions where the two LIS and LM can add to each other and energizes LM suggestion in LIS education and library rehearses.


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