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K. N. Rege

S. U. Mayekar

V. S. Bagade


Heat dissipation management is significant job in industries, where temperature conditions play vital role. For proper heat dissipation fins are extensively used. In this study heat transfer coefficients of solid fins and permeable (porous) fins are compared for same heat input and surrounding temperature under forced convection conditions. Also affect of Reynolds no (Re) and angle of inclination (θ) is analysed. Permeable fins are made by drilling holes on plane surface of solid fins. Experimentation has been carried out for 3 holes, 5 holes 6 holes and 8 holes. It has been found that heat transfer coefficient increases with increase in no. of holes. But increase in angle of inclination decreases heat transfer coefficient i.e. maximum heat transfer coefficient is observed when angle is 0°with constant surface area in forced convection. And as Re increases heat transfer coefficient also increases. For 8 holes fin with flow of Re = 20000 and 20 W of heat input, 37.9 % increase in heat transfer coefficient is achieved over solid fins.


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