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Vishal G. Salunkhe

Bhushan S. Walunj

Amol K. Ingle


Lap splicing is the conservative technique for linking the steel strengthening bars from several centuries. The main advantages of simplicity and frugality in lap splicing are limited to smaller diameter bars. The mechanical couplers provide the elucidation for splicing when large diameters bars are involved. Spliced rebar performs like continuous reinforcement. Splicing enhances better toughness mechanically, but autonomous of concrete. Consequently contributing ductility in RCC structures independent of the concrete’s condition. Proven cyclic performance of spliced rebars offers strength during artificial, seismic or other natural events. The permanency of spliced rebar offers excellent provision for grounding the electric current. The use of couplers as an alternative to lap splices would overcome rebar congestion and improves the flow & consolidation of concrete. It even offers greater flexibility in design options. The ease in detailing of reinforcement, particularly in strengthening bottleneck regions decreases the strengthening fixative inaccuracies, thus detailing and fixing of seismic reinforcement becomes effortless. Moreover the workability with advanced steel-to-concrete proportion permits optimization of size of RCC fundamental associates. The coupler offers quality, cost and time saving. Compared to lapping, simple mechanical ways in adopting mechanical splicing accelerates construction schedules for optimum cost and efficiency.


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