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Deepak Chawla

Dr. Chagi Venkatesh


The method of combating HIV with drugs is antiretroviral therapy (ART). It does not kill the virusbut only slows down virus growth and reproduction. In industrialized countries, it has proven extremelyeffective in treating HIVAIDS infection. HIV-infected patients first received HIV antiretroviral therapy in1986 and zidovudine was first used for treatment as a nucleoside-reverse transcriptase inhibitor. It hasbeen observed that single drug therapy is short-term, so 2-3 drugs have been used later because itprovides a long-term advantage. Current ART regimes are available for NRTI, including stavudin,zidovudine, lamivudine and so on NNRTI (inhibitors of the reverse nucleoside transcriptase) includingnevirapine, efavirenz protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors and many others. NRTI's NRTI is available incurrent ART regimen. Two NRTIs are combined with one NNRTI for antiretroviral therapy. Because this isa combination therapy, several uncommon and severe adverse effects are related, including anaemiadue to zidovudine, stavudine induced peripheral neuropathy, lactic acidosis, hyperlactatemia(hyperlactatemia), lipodystrophy, nevirapine induced rash, etc.Patients with HIV infection areimmunocompromised, which makes them more likely to develop adverse drug reactions. Antiretroviraltreatment can damage trust and adherence of the patient. These medicines can be stopped by patients,and they cause themselves and society as a whole to have problems. Therefore, a timely management ofantiretroviral drug adverse reactions is essential to improve patient adherence to the therapy. Insulin andoral antidiabetic agents are included in antidiabetic treatment. Diabetic patients usually take drugs fordyslipidemia, hypertension and antiplatelet therapy in combination with those drugs. As a result,diabetic patients, especially the elderly, are likely to develop an adverse reaction due to multiplemedications for different conditions. Hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic coma and hepatotoxics, multiformmedication-induced erythema and photo dermatitis, are unusual events associated with antidiabetictreatment.


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