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Dr. Vishal Kumar


Current research, sophisticated ceramic coating materials, and surface-coating processes are allsummarized in this study that outlines technical advancements in ceramics. For the previous 15 years, newapplications have evolved, and the research areas required to meet the present market need are alsohighlighted. Finally, the transition to SOFC applications provides additional prospects. When the nameceramic was first used, it solely applied to clay-based products. Although new ceramic materialgenerations have greatly enlarged the range and quantity of viable applications, this is no longer the case.In our everyday lives and in society, many of these new materials have a significant influence The field ofceramics has come a long way from its humble origins as clay pots. Both the space shuttle and our kitchenflooring are tiled with ceramic. For anything from medical to pleasure, ceramic electronic gadgets allowfor high-tech instrumentation. It's obvious that ceramics holds the key to the future.


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