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Anil Kumar

Dr. Sachin Saxena


The Scope of Research into Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Their Potential TechnologicalApplications, Developing superior organic nanostructures calls for a bottom-up strategy, and techniqueslike self-assembly and layer-by-layer deposition is well adapted to this end. Dodecyl methyl viologen (DMV)and coronene tetracarboxylate (CS) self-assembled nanofibers exhibit remarkable electrical characteristicsand have potential applications in devices such as Field Effect Transistors and Humidity Sensors. DMV-CSnanofibers change shape as the surrounding humidity does, as well as what goes into their formationduring the drying process. Micelles, which make up DMV-CS SAN, were shown to have an internalhexagonal ordering and elliptical distortion in the individual micelle as humidity was increased.


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