Bamboo shoots for fortification and novel food product development Addressing Micronutrient Deficiencies through Bamboo Shoot Fortification
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One of the most significant challenges facing humanity in this current century is ensuringenough food and nourishment. Food fortification is one method that may be used to combat micronutrientdeficiencies. Recent research has shown that bamboo shoots have a high nutritional content and a varietyof positive effects on one's health. The purpose of this endeavour was to make bamboo shoot fortifiedbiscuits, namkeen, and noodles as well as to establish ways for using the shoots of an edible bamboospecies called Dendrocalamushamiltonii for food fortification. According to the findings of studies, theshoots are an abundant source of both macro- and micronutrients as well as bioactive compounds, and theproduct that was made making use of the shoots also showed an enrichment in the nutrients andbioactive compounds. Fortification with bamboo shoot is an excellent technique to combat thewidespread micronutrient insufficiency that exists in our nation at the present time.
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