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Ashish Kumar Saxena

Dr. Ashwani Kumar Dubey


The term toxicity is used to describe the potential for a material to harm or kill livingorganisms. Acute toxicity tests are used to determine if a substance or effluent, in specific quantities, isharmful to a group of test organisms under controlled conditions of exposure for a relatively brief periodof time. Population increase, rapid urbanisation, rapid industrialization, and rapid agriculturaldevelopment have all had a major impact on water quality and availability in India. Human actionsincluding oxygen depletion, increasing BOD COD loads, and alterations in water clarity, pH,phosphate, and nitrate levels are to blame for eutrophication and the degradation of water quality.Aquatic organisms are particularly vulnerable to environmental pollution. Ecological exploitation has putaquatic ecosystems including plankton, fish, and invertebrates under tremendous pressure. Here, fishbioassays might prove to be a useful tool for assessing the state of water that has been polluted with awide variety of potentially hazardous substances. Fish bioassays have revealed a wide variety ofpathological effects, including stunted development, in polluted river water. Both generalizable andtarget-specific effects can be investigated through bioassay research. An organism is able tosuccessfully deal with the challenge of survival in a changing environment because of its behavior,which allows it to adapt to both external and internal inputs.


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