A Detailed Review on Environmental Solid Waste Management Strategies Assessing the Impacts and Solutions for Sustainable Urban Waste Management
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The developed as well as developing nations are facing complications related to Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM). Moreover rise in population density across globe has more need of resource consumption edible as well as other used items which produces huge chunk of waste. Severe hazardous health and environmental effects were caused by unsustainable waste management, that are seen in developing countries like India. In this country, range municipal solid waste varies between 0.3-0.6 kg per capita per day and is rising at a rate yearly at 1.33 per capita every day. There were few loopholes in handling solid waste like improper handling of waste that changes every city, like door to door accumulation is not done efficiently and because of improper management of waste, insufficient collection and unsuitable waste disposal. For inappropriate MSWM municipal solid waste systems are responsible. The pollutant has been generated from the dump sites, Population living with close proximity of dump sites are affected by contaminated water and polluted quality of air. To overcome such issues, concept of recovery, reuse, recycling, and reduction is done. In developing countries, Effective solid management is very financially expensive in developing nations as it requires an overall integrated system which should be sustainable, socially supported and well organized. Recent waste management is lack of approach as per global perspective, recycling, extraction and consumption. In some countries, tremendous amount of garbage mainly received from domestic establishment it observes very high level of service gap, due to which lack of sufficient manpower and technical expertise and capability issues have been generating at site of management. Furthermore, sanitary landfills are suitable methods of final waste disposal. Landfill must be well organized and operated, so as to reduce environmental hazardousness they should be correctly designed, selection of sited to be done very carefully and prior to disposal treatment, recycling and recovery must be established and executed efficiently. For municipal solid waste management this study showcase, a critically reviewed approaches, gap and solution are explained. From this study it was concluded that by efficient planning and execution of effective techniques garbage waste collection, recycling segregation of waste and its reuse and could offer assistance in lowering risk of environmental effects of soil, air and water pollution.
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