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Vijendra Singh


The ultimate disposal of wastewater can only be onto the land or into the water. But wheneverthe watercourses are used for the ultimate disposal, the wastewater is given a treatment to prevent anyinjury to the aquatic life in the receiving water. Normally, the treatment consists of the removal ofsuspended and dissolved solids through different units if the treatment plants. The treatment ofindustrial wastewater may be accomplished in part or as a whole either by the biological processes, asdone in the sanitary sewage, or by processes very special for the industrial wastewater only. Dependingupon the constituents present in it, the treatment may consist of any one or more treatment (chemical orbiological or both) processes. The chemical treatment should be provided only when it becomesunavoidable. The selection of the particular treatment process depends on the effluent requirements andthe characteristics of the waste


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