A Study of Designing a Deep Learning Model for Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis
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The healthcare industry is not immune to the widespread changes brought about by artificialintelligence and machine learning (AIML). Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the ability togreatly expand access to diabetes treatment, which would improve efficiency. With such a high prevalenceof diabetes, India poses a unique combination of challenges, but also presents an interesting opportunityin terms of the data that may be made available to study the disease. The data for our study was gatheredfrom a variety of hospitals. Physicians who have been in practice for more than 5 years are chosen asresponders. For these two class problem, researcher define specificity as the number of imagescorrectly identified as diabetic retina (diabretina) and normal retina (normalretina). Researcher definesaccuracy in the form of the images of retina with a accurate classification. This final designed networksucceeded with 80 of accuracy.
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