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Vaibhav Jain

Dr. Girish Padhan


This research aims to optimize the protocol performance of both the WDM Ring and the WDMStar, two networks that have previously only been studied separately. Furthermore, there is limitedinformation on how ring and star networks compare in terms of performance. Numerous promisingdevelopments lie ahead for optical ring networks. The suggestion to combine two enhancements is anintriguing one. The goal is to build a high-performance network (HPN) that functions optimally across asmall subset of the wavelengths in a larger ring. As an added bonus, the hybrid ring-star network offers avariety of load-balancing and routing options for each source-destination pair. One-chain RPR networkscan benefit from a guideline for WDM upgrades by studying the effects of advanced routing methods onthe efficiency of hybrid ring-star networks (resilient packet ring). This optical fiber type, as the namesuggests, is limited to transmitting a single mode of light. As a result, it can only transmit a singlewavelength of light along its length. Typically, this is a 1310nm or 1550nm wavelength. That prevents itfrom transferring more data, we assume, restricts its potential. However, single-mode optical fibers arepreferable over multimode ones due to their higher bandwidth and lower loss. In other words, no othermethod comes close to matching the pace. It's interesting to note that single-mode fibers appeared laterthan multimode fibers. They came later than multimode cables did. Because their cores are so small,these cables can physically support just a single mode of transmission. That is to say, the core'sdiameter is about comparable to the wavelength of light traveling through it. The only kind ofillumination that is employed is lasers. It's important to note that the wavelengths of light employed insingle-mode fibers are not in the visible range. Since the light doesn't bend or refract, it can be used insystems where connections across greater distances are necessary. The difficulty in coupling singlemodefibers is a major drawback.


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