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Mr. Pranav P. Devkar

Mr. Pruthviraj S. Manedeshmukh

Mr. Rushikesh R. Belle

Mr. Chaitanya S. Kumbhar

Mr. Sanjay S. Pingale


In this paper, the author talks about the readiness and qualities of composite materials madeutilizing various measures of epoxy sap, banana fiber, and fly debris and tests under a few conditions toanalyze the properties. Warm and mechanical testing are the significant exercises completed to test thedifferent properties of the created material. The strategy used to distinguish warm properties is Thermogravimetric investigation, though a universal testing machine plays a part in deciding many mechanicalproperties.Banana fiber is the base material used to make composite materials by adding fly debris with theassistance of epoxy sap. This paper contains a near investigation of the four distinct variations of testexample arranged by utilizing 0 Fly Ash (Result Obtained by past Studies), 10 Fly Ash, 20 fly Ashand half Fly Ash with a committed measure of Banana fiber and epoxy gum. There are Mechanical andThermal tests are performed to distinguish the qualities and conduct of tests examples under variousstacking just as temperature conditions. The warm test is completed by playing out a thermo-gravimetricAnalyzer, though mechanical testing is conveyed by utilizing Universal Testing Machine


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