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O. V. Galande

K. N. Nimbalkar

R. A. Mane-Deshmukh

B. R. Shendge

S. M. Nikam


These days, everyone knows about the few intricacies and inconsistencies that might happenin a basic LMV. These intricacies incorporate unforeseen breakdown, punctured tires, and so on, or anysuch complexity that delivers the vehicle to a stop and unusable. Nowadays a few sorts of eitherphysically worked or programmed jacks whether lightweightversatile or weighty are broadly used tosatisfy their motivations in lifting weighty as well as light hardware. There are a couple of kinds of jacksthat are reliably utilized for lifting a vehicle during its maintenance work or for any such reason viz.physically worked scissor jacks, physically worked screw jacks, physically worked water-driven jacks,and so forth Despite the fact that they satisfy their motivation, there is a gigantic disadvantage to thesesorts of jack, for example, they are physically worked and consume a significant measure of time andenergy for their activity. In this undertaking, an endeavour has been made to plan and manufacture apower scissor jack to lift and support a heap of 4.5kN, for average use in a four-wheeler. This jack can beworked utilizing android portable. The Bluetooth module is associated with the regulator to take theorders from the portable so the engine can be pivoted to lift the jack. Here we are involving AT89S52 asour regulator.


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