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Mahavir Sathe

Akshay Thorat

Prof. U. G. Phule


Project title given Agriculture Management System indicates Intelligent Agriculture whichhelps Agents and farmers. This website assists farmers in selling their agricultural products online andrecommends best-in-class farming practices. As a result, they will have access to a larger market and willbe less reliant on the local market It enables distributors and retailers to purchase products from agreater number of producers It enables distributors and retailers to purchase products from a greaternumber of producers. It offers online purchasing for fertilisers, insecticides, machines, and tools, amongother things It has tools that help farmers keep track of their agricultural produce, such as a virtualcalendar and weather predictions It has tools that help farmers keep track of their agricultural produce,such as a virtual calendar and weather predictions. and enables them to hire laborers, which in turn, willhelp the farm laborers to find small jobs by having a work profile in the website


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