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Mrs. Anup Avinash Shah

Mrs. U. J. Phatak


The construction business has seen explosive expansion during the last few decades allaround the world. The amount of garbage generated has skyrocketed as infrastructure andindustrialisation have expanded. In general, there are two types of construction waste generators thosethat produce large amounts of garbage and those that produce little amounts of waste. In order to reduceconstruction waste, projects must be well thought out and efficiently performed. The amount ofconstruction practices has been almost doubled considering last decade and will keep on increasing dayby day. As the construction practices are increasing day by day, large number of masses are gettinginvolved in the activity of cons.There is huge amount of mismanagement caused on site in variousaspects of construction such as scheduling, material management, labour management etc. Researchersin this study hope to find and implement ways to reduce waste in construction and better manageresources. In order to enhance construction waste reduction and management, semi-structuredinterviews and focus groups were undertaken. Potential short, medium and long-term plans have beenoutlined in this research study. Incentives for stakeholders, governmental policies to make garbagesorting easier, the growth of a mature recycling sector, and education are the five main techniquesadvocated. This research paper majorly focuses on waste-age caused during the process ofconstruction activities due to various reasons as like natural calamities, human error, false calculationsetc.The financial impact caused by such wastages are also formulated taking into consideration certainsites.


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