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Dr. Sheela Gupta


Providing tremendous advantages to inhabitants, green space in the urban zone serves a varietyof functions and serves many different purposes. Because of urbanisation, it has gained even moresignificance as a result of its restricted accessibility in metropolitan areas. It carries out administrative,environmental, and social functions, and provides a variety of advantages that vary depending to its areaand size at different geographical levels, among other things. According to ―the hypothesis of this study,the advantages and features of urban green space at different spatial levels‖ operate in an unexpectedway at different spatial scales. The city of Bhopal has been chosen as a case example to examine thistheory and determine the extent to which green space advantages and capacities are available at variousgeographical levels. A unique combination of traditional majesty at its ultimate finest, a mood ―of the oldand new city with lush green environs blended with traditional brilliance inside as far as feasible as wellas in its surroundings, Bhopal is a must-see destination. The purpose of this study is to examine boththe subjective and quantitative aspects of urban‖ green spaces in relation to the advantages theyprovide to their users.


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