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Phakade Shirish Vitthalrao

Dr. C. Ram Singla

Dr. Omprakash Rajankar


Most wireless sensor networks are composed of a large number of low-cost sensor nodes withvery limited sensing, computing and communication capabilities. Since sensor nodes often have limitedresources, it is necessary to maximize both the average sensor lifetime and total bandwidth usage byminimizing the amount of data sent. Information overload in a network can be reduced by data aggregation,which involves compiling and synthesizing input from multiple sensors. Sensor nodes in wireless sensornetworks are vulnerable to node compromise attacks, and security concerns such as data confidentialityand integrity are of paramount importance due to the sensitive nature of the information beingtransmitted. Thus, security should be a primary consideration in the development of protocols for use inwireless sensor networks, such as those used to collect data.In a wireless sensor network, dataaggregation is an essential approach. Because by pooling together data, we can cut down on wastefulduplication and thereby save energy. In wireless sensor networks, extending the network's lifetime is themost difficult challenge, however this may be achieved by data aggregation.


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