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Savita Shinde

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

Dr. Rupesh J. Pati


This paper deals with the visual analysis for maintaining the visual comfort level, in the modelroom considered. The optimum position of blinds, to manage set point temperature of 24°C, asdiscussed in previous studies is investigated. For the set blind position, the illuminance inside the roomis maintained at the prescribed value. The daylight integration into the interior is emphasized. Theartificial light is switched ON or dimmed accordingly, to maintain the set-point illuminance level. TheEnergy consumption is calculated for different blind positions. The energy savings, hence obtained areinvestigated.The energy savings, hence obtained are investigated. This chapter also discusses theanalysis of Natural and Artificial light.Visual comfort is the ability to position oneself within a building tosee well enough to perform a task safely and easily. The visual comfort is achieved if the building hasthe right orientation of windows, with proper view, and not excessive daylight entry to cause glare. Forvisually comfortable environment using daylight autonomy techniques, a multi building design canensure both the enhanced light and the aesthetic design. In these daysproper stabilization betweennatural electric lighting has been known as optimum underconsideration of comfort, health wellbeing.


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