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K. N. Narasimhamurthy

Bharathkumar. T

Lingaraju .

Suresh. K. C.


Recently, nanotechnology has emerged as a fast expanding subject with potential applicationsin biological sciences. Simultaneously, silver has been used as an antibacterial substance anddisinfectant with few side effects. The antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities of silvernanoparticles are extensive. Silver nanoparticles are capable of penetrating bacterial cell walls, alteringthe membrane structure and even causing cell death. Their effectiveness is a result of both theirnanoscale size and their higher amount of surface area over volume. By releasing silver ions, they mayenhance the permeability of the cell membranes, generate reactive oxygen species, and inhibit thereplication of deoxyribonucleic acid. The size of silver nanoparticles ranges from 1 to 100 nm. Physicaland chemical approaches are the two primary techniques used to assemble silver nanoparticles theymay be costly and dangerous. This method is eco-friendly and non-toxic since it includes plant fluids,microbes, fungus, etc. As an alternative, the biological technique is used. In the majority of medicalapplications, the use of lasers is essential. Detection of silver ions with therapeutic uses include thefollowing Due to their nanotoxicity resulting from their antibacterial action, silver nanoparticles have anumber of disadvantages. Methodology and analysis of this review procedure In pharmaceutical andmedicinal uses of nanoparticles of silver Various silver nanoparticle formulations, Infertilitymanagement, antimicrobial properties, skin damage, and burns A comprehensive summary of cancertherapy.


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