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Amruta Aphale

Dr. Dev Ras Pande


One of the most common causes of vision loss in people with diabetes is diabetic retinopathy(DR), a chronic illness characterised by damage to the retina as a result of tiny vessel damage broughton by the disease. ―The scientific community has spent the better part of the last several years focusingon the issue of microaneurysyms (MA) segmentation since it is essential for the early identification ofDR. In this study, the diagnostic utility of automated MA detection and segmentation for early DRdiagnosis is investigated using a comprehensive literature analysis. In particular, we analyse thebenefits and drawbacks of currently available early DR diagnostic approaches. Our research is confinedto colour fundus photography since it is the most often used method for early diagnosis. Thedevelopment of completely automated, user-friendly early DR diagnosis and grading systems has a greatdeal of room to grow, despite the fact that much progress has been made in these three categories ofearly DR diagnosis.‖


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