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Lalita Sikarwar

Dr. Indrajeet Yadav


The reliability basics start with the coverage of the key concepts of probability. A broaderdefinition of reliability is that reliability is the science to predict, analyze, prevent and mitigate failures overtime. It is a science, with its theoretical basis and principles. It also has sub-disciplines, all related - insome way - to the study and knowledge of faults. Reliability is closely related to mathematics, andespecially to statistics, physics, chemistry, mechanics and electronics. In the end, given that the humanelement is almost always part of the systems, it often has to do with psychology and psychiatry. Indeed,we can try to derive from reliability also the availability performance of a system. In fact, availabilitydepends on the time between two consecutive failures and on how long it takes to restore the system.Reliability study can be also used to understand how faults can be avoided. Reliability involves almostall aspects related to the possession of a property cost management, customer satisfaction, the propermanagement of resources, passing through the ability to sell products or services, safety and quality ofthe product.


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