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Manisha Hajare

Dr. Vijayalaxmi Biradar

Dr. Juberahmad Abdulrashid Shaikh


Due to its multiple uses in the detection of oil spills, ocean research, the detection ofsubmarines, and catastrophe prevention, underwater wireless sensor networks have attracted moreinterest in recent years. For data collection and communication, each of these applications makes use of anumber of sensor nodes placed in various ocean depths. A dynamic routing strategy is necessary foreffective communication in the network of sensor nodes. There are various somewhat state-fullunderwater routing techniques that can ensure packet delivery without requiring a lot of communicationoverhead. However, because of the features of the underwater acoustic channel, designing opportunisticrouting strategies for UWSNs is difficult. For instance, the usage of the most recent protocols created forwireless sensor and mesh networks is impracticable due to the high and unpredictable latency,multipath propagation, poor bandwidth, and high energy consumption. The comprehensive review ofseveral research on the opportunistic routing strategy for underwater sensor networks is offered in thisstudy. the examination and comparison of current research on opportunistic routing protocols, as wellas its potential applications and difficulties in underwater sensor networks. This paper's conclusionasserts the numerous research gaps found in the literature review.


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