Recent Ferrocement Construction Technology in Sustainable Construction -
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It is a composite structural material comprising thin sections consisting of cement mortarreinforced by a number of closely spaced layers of steel wire mesh. Application of Ferrocement inconstruction industry is large due to the low self-weight, No need of more skilled labor, no need offormwork. Ferrocement is generally used repairing, strengthening and retrofitting of the structures.Ferrocement was firstly developed and used by Italian architecture, P. L. Nervi in 1940.Different type of meshes is used in Ferrocement such as, Hexagonal wire mesh, Welded wire mesh,Woven wire mesh, expanded metal mesh, and three dimensional meshes. The desired shape may bebuilt from a multi-layered construction of chicken wire, and if needed reinforced with steel wire or steelbars. Over this finished framework, an appropriate mixture of cement, sand and water is spread out.During hardening, the Ferrocement is kept moist, to ensure the cement is able to set and harden.Quantity requirement of Ferrocement in building construction is much less as compared to R.C.C.Therefore dead load of Ferro-cement building is reduced by at least 50. Consequently the foundationcost gets reduced. Ferro-cement is sustainable construction material. The comparison of Cost-time formaterial used in construction industry in each material showed that the material which includesConstruction method, new techniques, installation process is the most suitable alternative to theexisting traditional method like reinforced cement concrete.
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