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Mr. U. J. Phatak

Mr. Anup Avinash Shah


All over the world, the construction industry has gained very rapid growth in recent decades.The creation of garbage has expanded dramatically as infrastructure and industrialisation have grown.Bulk generators and retail or small generators are the two main sources of construction waste materialscreation. The construction projects must be well planned and must be properly executed to minimize theconstruction wastes. The amount of construction practices has been almost doubled considering lastdecade and will keep on increasing day by day. As the construction practices are increasing day by day,large number of masses are getting involved in the activity of cons. There is huge amount ofmismanagement caused on site in various aspects of construction such as scheduling, materialmanagement, labour management etc. The aim of this research paper is to explore and formulatestrategies and measures for effective construction management and reduction in material wastage. Tolearn more about the best practices for reducing and managing construction waste, we conducted semistructuredinterviews and focus groups. The prospective short-, medium-, and long-term plans are thekey contributions of this research work. Financial rewards to stakeholders, governmental regulationsthat facilitate garbage sorting, the creation of a mature recycling industry, and education are the five keysolutions advocated. This research paper majorly focuses on waste-age caused during the process ofconstruction activities due to various reasons as like natural calamities, human error, false calculationsetc. The financial impact caused by such wastages are also formulated taking into consideration certainsites.


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