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Prasad Deshmukh

Prathmesh Avhale

Mrinalini Fegade

Shivanjali Bhosale


Arguably the most spectacular recent development in urban infrastructure has been theintroduction of the metro as a public transport system. In addition to being the main means oftransportation, the subway has greatly contributed to reducing pollution and improving the quality of lifeof the people here. Vehicle fleets in urban areas of India are growing rapidly. As cities grow and expandrapidly demanding more urbanization and housing, new residential areas and large commercialestablishments are rapidly emerging, all integrated with public transport. need to do that. For civilengineers, metro projects provide an excellent opportunity to develop skills and find creative solutionsto difficult problems inherent in large constructions in the environment. urban. Critical design decisionsdetermine project success in terms of speed and quality of construction, impact on the environment andthe aesthetics of the structure, as well as cost and economy. This paper describes some of thechallenges faced by viaduct structures and how they have been overcome in Indian metro structuresthrough the use of precast concrete construction techniques.


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