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Rajesh Kumar Gupta

A. K. Tiwari


The purpose of this research was to examine the connection between hematological andbiochemical parameters of main carps living in Goriara Dam in Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh. Bettermanagement methods and increased fish output may result from a deeper knowledge of hematologicaland biochemical characteristics, which are crucial markers of fish health and physiological state. Waterand fish samples were collected monthly from several places inside Goriara Dam during the course ofthe study's six-month duration. Blood counts, white blood cell counts, hemoglobin concentrations, andhematocrit ratios were measured in accordance with accepted laboratory protocols to determinehematological parameters. Biochemical parameters were also measured to evaluate the metabolic andphysiological state of the principal carps, and they included glucose, total protein, and cholesterol.


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