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Kuljeet Kaur

Dr. Rishi Kant Agnihotri


Based on common communication protocols, technology is a global network of interconnecteditems that can each be addressed in a unique way. Through wireless networks, connected devices, andrelated IT companies that support data analytics for easing and improving the lives of patients and otherstakeholders in general, information technology in healthcare enables timely and increased, almostinstantaneous communication between physicians, hospitals, vendors, insurance companies, and otherstakeholders. IoT-based healthcare services can help save lives in the event of accidents since it iscrucial to inform hospitals during the golden hour about the location, type, and severity of theemergency and the patient's health. Newline Healthcare is an information-intensive sector, and to makedaily decisions about a person's ongoing treatment, healthcare providers depend on having access tocomplete and accurate information at the point of care. IoT applied to healthcare (IoT healthcare)promises to bring about significant changes in the quality, safety, accountability, and even the mode ofdelivery of healthcare services. IoT has had a major impact on healthcare, despite being in its earlyphases of development. IoT newline devices give healthcare professionals greater accountability. Themain goals of health care advocates, lawmakers, and newline insurance firms are to improve outcomesand down the skyrocketing costs.This research work is to identify the potential opportunities and the present technical challenges for theapplication of innovative manufacturing methods in healthcare products. Advancements in the lifesciences have created an atmosphere where engineering design and manufacture are not onlynecessary but also encouraged in order to find solutions to challenging biological issues. Healthcare is acrucial industry that is expanding more quickly in western countries. It differs from other, moreconventional sectors in certain ways and poses obstacles for both the use of existing technology andthe creation of new ones. Medical researchers are looking for innovative manufacturing techniques tomake healthcare products such as prosthetic limbs, implants, personalized orthotic insoles, customizedfoot orthotics, and surgical planning models of internal body components quicker and more accurately.The present research methodology entails doing a thorough investigation of numerous healthcareissues and products before selecting a suitable one for study use. The purpose of this research is todiscover the issues that people encounter throughout their lives and to thoroughly examine each issue.It is established that diabetes mellitus is a significant worldwide health burden and that the diabeticpopulation experiences significant difficulties because of diabetic feet. The prevalence of foot disordersis growing at increased proportions in India and worldwide, mainly due to increase in the diabeticpopulation and improper usage of foot wears.


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