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Raktate Omesh Uttamrrao

Dr. Vinay Chandra Jha

Dr. Mohan B. Vanarotti


After finding success with the Toyota Production System in Japan, lean manufacturing quicklyspread across sectors throughout the globe. As a systematic approach, lean manufacturing is acomponent of the idea of continuous improvement that a firm employ. In this article, we put the LeanManufacturing System to the test. Increasing one's capacity to satisfy needs is the goal of continuousimprovement, which may be defined as an ongoing process. Lean management, sometimes known aslightened management, is a method for cutting down on manufacturing waste. This method aims toeradicate several forms of waste, including transportation, unnecessary movement and processes, andoverproduction. The core principle of lean management is to design and produce environmentallyfriendly goods more efficiently and with less impact on the environment. Along with physicalinstallations and financial resources, the emphasis is on the enthusiasm and competence of partners.The constraints of a system are less considered and more attention is paid to how the system functions.In this article, we cover lean manufacturing and its numerous tools. The significance of Lean tools forindustrial improvement is further shown by the research. The foundation of lean manufacturing, 5S aidsin increasing output.


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