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Aarjav Jain


Cybersecurity is crucial to the information technology industry. One of the largest problems of the modern world is information security. The first thing that springs to mind when considering cyber security is cybercrimes, which are escalating at an alarming rate. Numerous governmental bodies and corporations are implementing numerous strategies to deter cybercrimes (Hakeem et al., 2020). Despite these precautions, many people continue to have serious concerns about cyber security. the challenges that cybersecurity encounters when coping with the most recent technologies are investigated in this paper. This research investigates the ways in which digital systems might be protected from emerging dangers like as attacks driven by artificial intelligence, weaknesses in quantum computing, and problems with Internet of Things security. The report highlights the challenges that cybersecurity professionals face and highlights the necessity of developing new tactics and working together in order to ensure that our data and computer systems remain secure in a world where technology is always evolving.


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