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Ashok Kumar Arora

Dr. Y. P. Singh


In recent era customers have become more sophisticated and they areenjoying more alternative options of brands. Thus satisfying and retaining suchcustomers is increasingly becoming more difficult for the organizations.Customer satisfaction can only be attained by continuously sensing the changingneeds and preferences of customers, and by providing them with solutions thatcan better fulfill their need. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) isregarded as one among the best approaches in achieving goals of customersatisfaction and loyalty. However contemporary literature and publications onthe subject of CRM may portrait it as a strategy that can bring fruitfulresults in any context. There are contradicting views of researchers; in literature about theeffectiveness of CRM practices and policies. Unfortunately, very littleempirical data is there to prove the effectiveness of CRM practices indifferent industries. Therefore it becomes crucial for practitioners to clearlyunderstand that how changes in the level of CRM practices and theireffectiveness influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. In the present era,customer relationship marketing plays a vital role. The major goals of customerrelationship marketing can be expressed simply as understanding and treatingcustomers better for increased loyalty and profit. Main purpose of the study isexamining the relationship between customer relationship marketing and customersatisfaction. The growing importance of relationship marketing has increasedinterest in the role of consumer trust and satisfaction in establishing,developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges. There are manydifferent relationship marketing tactics implemented for retaining customer.However, some of those tactics did not affect customer loyalty effectively, andswitching behaviors frequently occur among most of targeted customers.


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