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Mounika Reddy Avula

Deepak Ekkati

Kalyani Dharavath

Kranthi Gande

Shoban Sriramoju


Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) is extremely liable to attacksattributable to the dynamic nature of its network infrastructure. Among theseattacks, routing attacks have received extensiveattention since it may cause the foremostdevastating injury to painter if thereexists many intrusion response techniques to mitigate such crucialattacks, existing solutions usually arrange to isolatemalicious nodes supported binary or naive fuzzyresponse selections. However, binaryresponses could lead to the sudden networkpartition, inflicting extra damagesto the network infrastructure, and naive fuzzy responses may lead touncertainty in countering routing attacks in painter. During this paper, we tend to proposea risk-aware response mechanism to consistently deal with the known routingattacks. Our risk-aware approach relies on anextended Dempster-Shafer mathematical theory of proof introducing a notionof importance factors. Additionally, our experimentsdemonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with the thought of many performancemetrics.


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