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Gagandeep Singh

Dr. K. P. Yadav

Dr. Yogesh Sharma


The paper shows that the levels of internet use still vary widely:while more than half of EU citizens access the internet at least once a day(54%), a substantial minority (28%) say that they never access the internet.Besides accessing the internet from a laptop computer or netbook (62%) or adesktop computer (53%), 35% of internet users access the internet through asmartphone, and 14% use a tablet computer or touch screen. Around half ofinternet users in the EU say they use social networking sites (53%), buy goodsor services online (50%) or do online banking (48%), while 18% sell goods orservices. There is considerable variation in the online activities thatrespondents undertake in different countries. 28% of internet users across theEU are not confident about their ability to use the internet for services likeonline banking or buying things online. 70% say that they are fairly or veryconfident. When using the internet for online banking or shopping, the two mostcommon concerns are about someone taking or misusing personal data (mentionedby 37% of internet users in the EU) and security of online payments (35%).Internet users have changed their behaviour in a number of ways because ofsecurity concerns. 34% say that they are less likely to give personalinformation on websites, while 40% do not open emails from people they don’tknow. 46% have installed anti-virus software. However, only around half (48%)of internet users in the EU have changed any of their online passwords duringthe past year. EU citizens feel better informed about the risks of cybercrime thatthey did in 2012. The proportion that feels very or fairly well informed hasincreased from 38% to 44%, while fewer respondents say they do not feel very orat all well informed about the risks of cybercrime (52% compared with 59% in2012). Around half of internet users in the EU are concerned about experiencingidentity theft (52%) and about being the victim of online banking fraud (49%).Just under half of internet users are concerned about: having their socialmedia or email account hacked (45%); accidentally discovering child pornographyonline (44%); scam emails or phone calls (43%); and online fraud (42%). Inaddition, 37% are concerned about not being able to access online servicesbecause of cyberattacks, and 35% are concerned about accidentally encounteringmaterial which promotes racial hatred or religious extremism. These levels ofconcern about specific types of cybercrimes are lower than in  2012, with the largest decrease in relationto identity theft (down from 61% to 52%), while concern about becoming a victimof cybercrime in general has slightly increased.


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