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Dr. S. C. Batra


Socio-economic conditions reflect the quality of life ofthe society as a whole as well as that of its constituents. The majorcomponents of socio-economic life of the people in any society are the level ofper capita income, income pattern, consumption and saving pattern, housingconditions, level of literacy, attitude towards marriage, sex ratio andposition of women. The main objective of our five years plan is the improvementin the quality of life and removal of disparities. For example in 8thfive-year plans, it has been mentioned that the objective of fulfilling thesocial and human aspiration of the people meeting the essential  requirements of living, raising income levelsand improving their quality of life are at the center of our developmentefforts. More are a large number of studies on various aspects reflectingsocio-economic conditions of the farmers such as income level, consumption pattern,female's status and education level etc. of different states. In maximumstudies, the researchers have found that the economic condition of farmersmainly depends on Agriculture production and other sources of income, relatedto agriculture sidelines. After the independence of India, many researchersfound in survey of social conditions of rural households that maximum farmersof our nation are socially backward. They are not in a position to leave theold social rules to maintain the classical social structure of India.


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