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Antony Lawrence


This study evaluates major factors (i.e. service quality, brandperception and perceived value) affecting on customers’ satisfaction inAlternate-banking service settings. This study also evaluates influence ofservice quality on brand perception, perceived value and satisfaction ine-banking. Required data was collected through customers’ survey. Forconducting customers’ survey likert scale based questionnaire was developedafter review of literature and discussions with bank managers as well asexperts in customer service and marketing. Collected data was analyzed usingprinciple component (PCA) using SPSS 19.0. A result indicates that, PerceivedValue, Brand Perception, Cost Effectiveness, Easy to Use, Convenience, ProblemHandling, Security/Assurance and Responsiveness are important factors incustomers satisfaction in e-banking it explains 48.30 per cent of variance.Contact Facilities, System Availability, Fulfillment, Efficiency andCompensation are comparatively less important because these dimensions explain21.70 per cent of variance in customers’ satisfaction. Security/Assurance,Responsiveness, Easy to Use, Cost Effectiveness and Compensation are predictorsof brand perception in e-banking and Fulfillment, Efficiency,Security/Assurance, Responsiveness, Convenience, Cost Effectiveness, ProblemHandling and Compensation are predictors of perceived value inAlternate-banking.


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