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Babita Pandey

Tanveer Ahmad Wani


Mahatma Gandhi national rural employmentguarantee act was passed with a view to provide hundred days of guaranteed wageemployment to the venerable sections of the society in order to raise theliving standard of these sections of society. Realization of the venerabilityof these sections particularly in rural areas as 72% of population living inrural areas the Government of India passed an Act known as Mahatma Gandhi Ruralemployment Act in 2005 notified by Ministry of Rural Development, Government ofIndia on 7th September 2005. Based on the fact that MGNREGA can do wonders inorder to raise the living standard of rural India a study was carried out. Theaim of the paper is to assess the impact of MGNREGA in Kashmir state, drawbackswhich the act faces in rural areas in Jammu and Kashmir. The study is based onprimary data. Finally the paper provides some suggestions whom if implied willdefinitely help in the mission for which the act was passed.


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