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N. Dhasarathan Alias Raja

R. Ravi Chandra


A holonic manufacturingsystem (HMS) represents a new breed of intelligent shop-floor managementtechnology for the production of artifacts that satisfy unique customerrequirements. Flexibility is an essential characteristic of the HMS in order tomanufacture high-variety low-volume artifacts. Autonomous 'smart' entitiescalled holons interact, via cooperation protocols, within a HMS to support theruntime reconfiguration demanded by such an agile shop-floor. This paperpresents a framework to model and reconfigure, in real-time, the holons'abstract behavioral specifications through the application of Internet-basedmobile agents. A tool is also described to convert these specifications into acorresponding implementation model (based on the IEC 61499 function blockarchitecture) that holons can execute across an open network of controllerdevices. In particular, an argument is developed that holonic manufacturingsystems provide greater agility than their current industrially adoptedcounterparts. Manufacturing systemsmust adapt to new challenges impacting the economy. New structures, behavioursand requirements arise in response to those challenges. These elements are systematizedand different problem approaches are analyzed. Multiagent concepts generallyand holonic concept specially are studied. Based on its requirements andcharacteristics several frameworks are compared.  Thispaper focuses on implementation issues at the interface between holonic controldevices (HCDs) and agent-based systems. In particular, we look at a jimctionblock-based approach to communication that is applicable to existing IEC61131-3 systems and emerging IEC 61499 systems.


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