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Piyush Agarwal


Discount level and buyingbehavior on sales promotion. The research results found that there was nosignificant relationship of social surrounding, discount level with salespromotion. But on the other hand buying behavior, free sample, price reductionhas a significant relationship with sales promotion. The results of thisresearch paper will help the marketers to understand best promotionaltechniques to increase significantly in their sales as well as revenues. Thisresearch paper also plays a vital role in helping businessmen to develop theirbusiness planes more effectively so that they can get the competitive advantageover their competitors and make them able to maximize their profits. In total 180Questionnaires were distributed by hand in different departments of Dr MPSGroup of Institutions Agra. This research was done on different salespromotional techniques. Findings shows thatdifferent sales promotional techniques have impact on consumer buying behaviorand purchase intention for all type of products on the other hand there is nosignificant effect of discount level and social surrounding on sales promotion.


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