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Dharmendra Singh Chouhan


Traditionally, risk management has been identical with annual budgeting for insurance premium, and prevarication. This has been particularly true in Indian environment, and the corporate risk manager has the sole responsibility of discuss insurance contracts. In a recent international research programme, most respondents, while offering praiseworthy definitions of risk management, had little to say, by the way of explanations; as to how in practice they would operationalize their grand risk management ambitions. Whatever an individual’s attitude to words risk may be, if he/she is to maximize his/her welfare, the first step must be to identify and evaluate the risks to which he/she is, or may become, exposed.Risk management, as a set of techniques for surviving loss, comes in more or less five forms. First, we can restrict our decisions to those over whose outcomes we have some control, thereby managing the probability of loss. Second, we can diversify in order to reduce the consequences of loss. Third, we can insure as a collective method of diversification. Four, we can change our minds and evade a commitment before all is lost. The only others method available to us is to refuse to play when the risk is unacceptable.To study and analyze risk management and insurance of automobile industry, identify and evaluate the risk factors associated with Two-wheeler insurance, examine customer awareness on general insurance with reference to two wheelers, Assess the various factors that influence selection criteria of insurer, measure service quality of insurer in the light of service gaps and satisfaction.


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