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Mohd. Hyder Ali


This paper exhibits rational decision making in buying the products. The marketers can break the barriers in the traditional advertising methods, which are very much inherent in the advertising modes. The youth, are more tech savvy and or very much aware of the various social networking sites and tend to socialize more using those platforms in collecting reviews, opinions and the like. Looking at the scope for the marketers in exploring this huge market, and the youth, which is more accepting the new trends and fashion, in electronic gadgets, the present paper explores the reach and magnitude of electronic gadgets with regard to youth of Gulbarga district Karnataka.Business advertising media can incorporate divider works of art, boards, road furniture parts, printed flyers, radio, silver screen and TV promotions, web flags, web pop-ups, skywriting, transport stop seats, magazines, daily papers, town proclaimers, sides of transports, cab entryways and rooftop mounts, melodic stage appears, tram stages and prepares, flexible groups on dispensable diapers, stickers on apples in markets, the opening area of gushing sound and video, and the backs of occasion tickets and market receipts.


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