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Pandya Padmini Unmesh

Dr. Neetu Singh Marwah


In the present situation when each economy is confronting the war for ability, the two most rising economies of the world i.e. India are likewise confronting the brunt of this intense issue. Be that as it may, in this viewpoint, employee engagement has been raised as a solid vital choice to tackle the issue at a bigger degree. Through different studies and research, it has been built up that engaged employee is one of the best needs for HR directors all inclusive. It was discovered that the level of employee engagement unequivocally connects with organizational culture, open correspondence with chiefs, compassionate state of mind of the bosses towards the employees, acknowledgment of one's commitments towards the organizational objectives, and opportunity to partake in the basic leadership process, security measures in the organization and HR strategies identified with preparing and advancement, remuneration and advantages and profession improvement. This eventually brings about faithful employees, decreased weakening and expanded performance and profitability.


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